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CASCD Events and Articles

The Curriculum Feed

The Curriculum Feed is the monthly newsletter of the California Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (CASCD). To receive the newsletter, please visit

CASCD strives to exist as a vibrant and active network where anyone who cares about quality teaching, leading and learning is welcome and can find meaningful ways to engage. Our members frequently volunteer to host workshops and institutes at their schools, serve on committees, produce newsletter articles or webinars, and serve the Association in a variety of ways.

Professional Learning Events

Literacy Engagement for Student Success Institute

When: October 26-27, 2018

Where: Sacramento, CA

Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey and Michael McDowell, award-winning authors and consultants, will be the keynote speakers. This two-day institute provdes attendees with practical and effective instructional strategies designed to captivate learners, advance literacy skills, and create moments of discovery and insight in the classroom. Learn from thought-leaders in literacy education as they share research, practices, and techniques that help students connect to literacy.

For further information and registration go to:

More Professional Learning

For a listing of all professional learning, visit

News and Articles

National News

What Kids' Trauma Looks Like Across the U.S.

Race, location, and income level can determine how often children experience violence and crisis. After last week's school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the young survivors underwent a routine that has become all too... Read More

Most states slow to distribute test data to teachers

(District of Columbia) One of the key elements of the Every Student Succeeds Act is its emphasis on new technology that can speed up the assessment process so that classroom leaders can adjust instruction based on how... Read More

NAESP Statement of Support for the STOP School Violence Act of 2018

Legislation would provide grants to fund training programs and technology to prevent school violence.Alexandria, Va., March 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)... Read More

Fear, absenteeism, falling grades among impacts of immigration crackdown, study finds

A UCLA survey of 730 schools nationwide found widespread negative impacts related to deportation fears. Read More

Productive high schoolers still achieving later in life

(District of Columbia) Being a responsible student in high school and having good reading and writing skills usually translates into good grades, but new research shows those qualities can also predict educational and... Read More

Homework overhaul in schools

Many elementary school students in Marion County Public Schools spend more than 20 minutes per night reading with family members. Parents in the central Florida district also report their children feel less stressed... Read More

Eight ways to introduce kids to STEM at an early age - The Hechinger Report

Children are capable of understanding science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts when they are less than a year old but these skills must be developed intentionally, according to a new report released... Read More

State News

Senators want to add extra $1.2 billion to California school funding formula next year

Districts strapped with rising expenses could use the money however they want. Read More

Some California districts are downplaying the National School Walkout as others embrace it

While many districts favor a hands-off approach focused on safety as they prepare for the nationwide protest on March 14 — in which students throughout the country will walk out of class to advocate for gun... Read More

Legislature may finally be ready to fix special ed funding

(Calif.) State lawmakers signaled Wednesday that they are considering making changes to the distribution method of special education dollars to address long-standing complaints that smaller districts especially are... Read More

Push to arm teachers in California would face major hurdles

California has been moving in just the opposite direction in its efforts to keep firearms off campus Read More

Ed. Coalition seeks more money for schools

(Calif.) The powerful if not also tenuous alliance of school employees and district management have called on lawmakers to improve on Gov. Jerry Brown’s education budget that would still leave per-student... Read More

Forecast for California school climates remains cloudy without good data, advocates say

School districts are trying a variety of strategies aimed at creating safe and welcoming school environments, but there is controversy over the role and frequency of student surveys, and how to use them. Read More

Being a Mindful Educator After a Tragic Event

In the wake of the tragic events that our country has faced recently, I was asked to write something to help support all of us as we maneuver through these experiences. These events have impacted me personally, as my nephew was present at a shooting that took place in his school this past September. I remember the feeling of terror of not knowing if he was ok or not and the immense sadness for the families that were facing horrible realities. This has weighed heavily on my mind and I worry very much about the impact these events are having on our hearts and souls. Read More