The CalStateTEACH Induction Program (CSTIP)

A cost effective, job-embedded program preparing teachers to support diverse learners for California's future.

The Fall 2024 Induction Cohort is CLOSED!

           The application window for the Fall 2025 Induction cohort will open May 2025.

Application Deadline:  May 2025

We only accept one new induction cohort each year.  Make sure to submit your application by the deadline!

Cal State APPLY online application

Complete the Interest Form to receive program updates!

CalStateTEACH Induction Program 

Program Cost

Program tuition includes CTC approved Induction program, Faculty Mentor to provide guidance and instructional feedback, and 6 CSU units/year

Early Completion Option for Experienced and Exceptional Candidates

*Please complete the general CSU Apply application BEFORE you submit the supplementary Early Completion Application.    

Other Benefits


What is Induction?   

After earning the Preliminary Teaching Credential, California law requires new teachers to complete a two-year induction program to receive a Clear Credential. CSTIP is approved by the CTC to offer a program for teachers to Clear Multiple/Single Subject or Education Specialist Credentials. 

Who is eligible?

Teachers who hold a preliminary credential and are employed as a teacher.   

What if I was unable to pass the performance assessment and/or the RICA assessment due to COVID-19?

Governor Newsom signed Executive Order N-66-20 providing relief for candidates completing preparation in the 2020-21  year by moving these assessments to the clear credential program.  Please check the Commission website at for more detailed information.   

Is Teacher Induction the same as BTSA?

With the end of categorical programs for teacher induction, the Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) Program no longer funds earning a Clear Teaching Credential.  However, the requirement for a Clear Credential remains and is called Teacher Induction.  While BTSA no longer “officially” exists, many educators still refer to induction as BTSA, and you may consider BTSA to be synonymous with Teacher Induction. 

Can I receive an English Learner Authorization by completing an Induction Program? 

Induction and an English Learner Authorization are two separate programs.  In some instances, earning an English Learner Authorization (CLAD) may be required before recommendation of the Clear Credential.  It is mostly a requirement for teachers who are prepared out of state and do not have an approved English Learner authorization. CalStateTEACH does not offer a California Teachers of English Learner (CTEL) program for the Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Authorization.  Universities that offer a CTEL Program leading to a CLAD are found on the CTC website.   More about English Learner Authorizations can be found on the CTC website.

A follow-up question may be, “Which should I work on first – induction or CLAD?”  That is up to you as both may be completed successively or concurrently. Several candidates have enrolled in the Induction program while taking CLAD Coursework.  It is possible to integrate CLAD assignments into the Induction Individualized Learning Plan leading to recommendation of the Clear Credential in a more timely manner. 

What if I have 3-5 years of private school experience?

California Education Code provides two options for private school teachers to obtain Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credentials. These two options allow private school teachers to use three to five years of appropriate teaching experience in lieu of the student teaching component of a teacher preparation program or six years of appropriate teaching experience in lieu of completing a teacher preparation program including student teaching.  For more information, a publication from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing may be accessed at

If my preliminary credential has expired, what can I do?  What does a credential "upgrade" mean?

A Preliminary or Level I Credential is a teaching or service credential that is valid for five years. The preliminary/level I credential cannot be renewed. Since preliminary credentials are not renewable, they must be upgraded to the clear level in order to remain valid.  If your Preliminary Credential has expired, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing website may assist in answering your questions:

If you are currently employed as a teacher, you may qualify for a two-year extension on a Five-Year Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credential issued on the basis of completion of an SB 2042 California teacher preparation program with an issuance date of August 30, 2004 or later.  You will need to complete a CTC Request for 2-year Extension with the support of your employer. 

If completing Induction Year 1 in another program, is it possible to complete Induction Year 2 at CalStateTEACH ? 

Yes, by documenting completion of Year 1.  

Interested in becoming a CalStateTEACH Coach?  

Contact for further information

The CalStateTEACH Induction Coach is a school site coach to support the Induction Teacher.  The Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires that an Induction Coach must be willing to provide an average of one hour or 60 minutes of time per week.  Coaching may take the form of coaching conversations, team planning, classroom observation, demonstration lesson, site-based professional development, electronic communications, and other activities as needed.  

CalStateTEACH Induction Teachers have two sources of support - a Faculty Mentor and school site Induction Coach. Faculty Mentors are California credentialed and very well versed in The California State Standards and instructional practice. As a school site Induction Coach, you will provide logistical and instructional support. As such, we require a minimum three years of successful classroom teaching.


The CalStateTEACH Induction Program is a systemwide program operated out of the CSU, Office of the Chancellor.  The coursework is offered entirely online and all Induction Candidates are enrolled at the CSU Fresno campus.

CSU, Office of the Chancellor

Induction/Southern Regional Director

5005 N. Maple Avenue, M/S ED1

Fresno, CA 93740

Phone: (559) 278-0234

CSU Fresno

Dr. Nan Barker

Northern/Central Regional Director

5005 N. Maple Avenue, M/S ED1

Fresno, CA 93740

Campus phone: (559) 278-0234