About Us


Welcome to the CHS Players! We are the theatre department at Caledonia High School in Caledonia, Michigan. Here are the basics: we put on two shows a year (a fall play and a spring musical). There is always a ton to do, and we love seeing new faces around the theatre! Rehearsals are after school, and there are a bunch of ways to get involved from set building to singing. We also need ushers!!! If you are interested in joining our wacky, fun troupe of theatre lovers, email a staff member to see what jobs are open.  


Mrs. Bauer

Director of Plays

Producer of Musicals


North Campus Room 2269

Miss Waayenberg

Director of Musicals


Mrs. Ruthven

Welcome First Time Families: What to Expect

Welcome!!! We are so happy to see your smiling faces at the CHS Players theatre! If your family is new to the CHS Players, you may have questions about the program. Don't hesitate to ask! We are here to help! 

Can I Read the Script BEFORE My Child Auditions?

Yes! We highly encourage you to have a good understanding of what your student is signing up to do. All scripts are available upon request. Please email Mrs. Bauer at bauerk@calschools.org to set up a time to pick up a script! 

What Can I Do to Help as a Parent in This Program? 

You can invest as much or as little time as you want. On the low end, please make sure that your student is to their required rehearsals on time, has their lines memorized, and participates as a respectful member of the group. There are also a ton of ways to be directly involved! Check out the volunteer jobs on the website. Even if you only come in for an evening, we can put you to work! 

How Much of a Time Investment Is This Program for Students?

This varies from student to student. At auditions, students are asked what kind of a load they want. Please talk this choice over with your student before auditions if you are concerned about overload. Heavy loads might involve 10 hours of rehearsal a week. They will also need to memorize lines outside of rehearsal. Light loads have little to no lines to memorize and show up to far fewer rehearsals. Not every actor is called to every rehearsal. Crew is not required to come until the last week of the production.  Please note that the last week of a project is always a bigger time commitment. In this last week, rehearsals run longer.  Student may miss no more than 3 rehearsals before a discussion about their role in the production will be had.

Do I Have to Go to the Parent Meeting?

It is highly recommended. You will get paper copies of all the important materials and ask all the questions you need to ask. The veteran parents are also super helpful and the parent meeting is your chance to meet them!

How Will Communication Among the Cast/Crew/Parents/Director Work?

This website and EMAIL! The director will send out regular emails to let you know what is going on. (Both student and parent emails are collected via google form at the start of productions). The best way to get in touch with a director is to email them. This website will also be regularly updated with important information. Students will be allowed to have their phones with them at rehearsal if you need to contact your student during rehearsal hours.

How Do I Read the Calendar? 

Theatre calendars are organized by what we are doing that day. This means that the scene we are working on is written on the day in question. Because not every student is in every scene, not everyone needs to come to every rehearsal (but anyone is always welcome to come hang out). It is the responsibility of each student to know what scenes they are in. Once they know what scenes they are in, it is easy to pick out which days they are called. We will help students work this out at the first rehearsal! 

How Much Does Being in This Program Cost?

There is a $100 participation fee for each actor. Other costs that pop up along the way include a show t-shirt (if your student wants one) and makeup. Parents also tend to want to buy shout-out ads in the program and contribute to the group by bringing food to the potluck. 

Overall, theatre is comparable to the lowest cost level of sports at CHS. Expect to pay the $100 participation fee at minimum. You can keep a tight budget for the other optional things, or you can spring for some treats. 

Are Costumes and Makeup Provided?

Costumes are provided! You are welcome to add things to your student's costume, however, their costume is paid for in their participation fee. 

In a world more concerned with hygiene, we have found a community makeup store has more cons than pros. Right now, students may bring makeup to meet their comfort level. More information on basic makeup here.  In the future, this may change when we can figure out a system that negates the dangers of shared and potentially expired products. Our students' health isn't something we are willing to risk. We hope you understand.  

Other Paid Positions

These jobs are contracted out on a show-to-show basis. We ask that these employees fill out a timesheet of their hours worked, sign the corresponding contract, and get a W9 set up with the Caledonia Resource Center. If you are interested in filling one of these roles, contact Mrs. Bauer at bauerk@calschools.org

Fall Play/Spring Musical: Costume Manager

Responsible for making sure all actors have needed costumes by tech week and that costumes stay in good repair throughout the show. This job will involve pulling costumes from storage in the basement and matching them to actors. Students and other parent volunteers can and will help in this effort.

Fall Play/Spring Musical: Head Set Builder

Responsible for making sure the whole set is built by tech week and supervising the use of the scene shop. Students and other parent volunteers can and will help in this effort, but the Head Set Builder will make sure everything gets done. 

Spring Musical: Choreographer 

Responsible for creating and teaching the dance numbers in the musical. The choreographer will be asked to come to dance rehearsals. We will work with the choreographer to determine which rehearsals these will be.

Spring Musical: Vocal Director

Responsible for teaching the cast the vocal parts of the show and coaching students with vocal solos. The vocal director will be asked to come to song rehearsals. We will work with the vocal director to determine which rehearsals these will be. See our letter posted to local colleges about this position. 

Spring Musical: Pit Director

Responsible for teaching the cast the vocal parts of the show and coaching students with vocal solos. The vocal director will be asked to come to song rehearsals. We will work with the vocal director to determine which rehearsals these will be. See our letter posted to local colleges about this position. 

Spring Musical:  Pit Musician 

Responsible for accompanying students in the orchestra pit during shows. We do have students fill this role, but they often need the support of pros.  

Spring Musical:  Accompanist

Responsible for accompanying students on the piano as they sing song samples for auditions and callbacks. 

The CHS Players is an affiliate of the Caledonia Resource Center.