Sports Leadership Academy

KS1 multiskills festival - march 2022

On Thursday 17th March we hosted 100 KS1 children from Calstock, Stoke Climsland and Callington Primary schools. The Year 8, 9 and 10 leaders took charge of this event and between them they led 10 exciting and fun-filled activities. All of the children had a thoroughly entertaining day and the leaders excelled with their enthusiasm and organisation. We were lucky enough to be able to send the young children away with a goody bag of equipment to help them keep active, including a skipping rope, a frisbee and a ball. Once again, our Sports Leadership Academy showed just how talented they are and what brilliant and competent leaders they will become. Well done to all involved!


On Thursday 19th January, 20 students from the Sports Leadership Academy took part in a First Aid training course. The students were very engaged and asked a lot of good questions. To start off the day Lee (the instructor) started talking to them about the course and what he wanted them to take away; the main outcome was to be confident when spotting or giving first aid. He taught the students what DRABC means and showed them what CPR looks like now. This part was particularly interesting due to the change because of COVID - you no longer have to give mouth-to-mouth, just as many chest compressions as you can until the paramedics arrive or the patient comes back round. Lee then talked about the 3 different types of patients you can have, which are Baby, Child and Adult. This interested the students as some of them didn’t realise you had to change the depth of the chest compressions depending on the size of your patient. Once all of the students had had a go at this, he started telling them about the recovery position, why it is important and how to put their patient in it. By the end of the session, all of the students knew how to give CPR and put someone into the recovery position. What a fantastic training session that we were lucky enough to have received and our students were brilliant throughout!

First primary festival - Thursday 18th November! KS1 multiskills

Keep an eye out for details of the meeting!

June 2021: Application forms are currently available from Miss Mitchell. Students across all Years are welcome to apply. There are a number of different opportunities to take up, including working with our feeder primary schools, taking on a Lead Learner role in PE lessons, helping with Active Break, designing displays for the Sports Centre or writing match reports for fixtures. If you have any questions, please speak to Miss Mitchell for more details.