Curriculum PE

In KS3 students are in mixed classes. Their lessons are based on one of the 5 Abilities: Physical; Cognitive; Social; Personal; Creative. Through these 5 Abilities, every single student can excel in Physical Education - they might be a talented sports leader, or choreograph fantastic gymnastic/dance routines; they might be adept at analysing performance and understanding strategy, or perhaps have drive and determination to push their own boundaries in individual pursuits. As we explore these 5 Abilities we promote the physical and mental benefits of an active lifestyle, and aim to create long-term interest and engagement in sport and physical activity.

In KS4 we bring in some choice for the students, as they begin to select the activities and sports that they prefer to undertake. There are 3 different strands - competitive, non-competitive, individual & fitness. This allows all students to access sessions where they feel comfortable, motivated and suitably challenged, whilst maintaining a breadth of experience.