Join us IN PERSON at the 6th Annual Technology Conference
August 14, 2024
8:00 AM - 4:00-PM
Join us this summer for our sixth annual Caldwell County Schools Technology Showcase, TREK2024. This year's Showcase will be held IN PERSON! Educators from across the district, region, and state are sharing wonderful teaching and learning strategies that they are currently using in their classrooms and schools. The showcase is a great way to earn digital learning credits. A special thank you to the Education Foundation of Caldwell County, Edmentum, Google LNR, Merlyn Mind, and ClassLink for their sponsorship of this year's showcase.
Click HERE to Register!
Registration is limited to 500 participants. Secure your spot!
After you register on the Google form, you will receive a separate email to create your SCHED account and view sessions.
Earn 0.6 CEUs for attending.
Keynotes Speaker Brad Montague (creator of Kid President)
Brad Montegue
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Brad Montague is a New York Times best-selling author/illustrator of books for kids and former kids. A highly sought after speaker and performer whose encouragement brings hope and humanity to a wide variety of communities - from corporate to creative to classrooms around the world. Montague is the creator of the web series Kid President, the global social good movement Socktober, the bestselling picture book The Circles All Around Us, and, most recently, the creativity-packed Fantastic Bureau of Imagination. The much-anticipated newest picture book, FAIL-A-BRATION! releases September 10, 2024 from Dial Books. Brad can be seen as the host of the television special The Kindness Project via The Magnolia Network on Max. He lives in Tennessee with his wife and collaborator, Kristi Montague, as well as their two children.
Do I have to register? Yes, register with the Google form link above. You will receive a link to SCHED to see sesssions when you complete the Google form.
What is the date of the Showcase? Wednesday, August 14, 2024
What times are the sessions? Sessions begin at 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 12:00, 1:30, and 2:30.
Where do I go for the Showcase? William Lenoir Middle School
Do I get CEUs for attending live sessions? Yes, you will receive .06 CEUs for attending.
Do I have to register in Timekeeper? You will need to registister for Course #11167 in Timekeeper.
How do I register for the door prize drawings? We will use sign-in information to randsomly draw door prize winners after each session.
How do I receive CEUs? Educational Program Services (EPS) will mark attendance as long as you registered in Timekeeper. You do NOT have to do anything else. If you do not work for Caldwell County Schools, a certificate will be emailed to you.
When will CEUs be applied/given? Caldwell County Schools employees should see the TREK CEUs on their record in Timekeeper by the end of August 2024.