11th Grade

Student Goals:


Begin corresponding with the college’s admission representatives.

Review college visit practices and procedures.

Resume building in CIALFO - Resume Builder


Juniors take the PSAT - add bluebook app onto the device you will be taking the test on

Students plan to take ACT and/or SAT in the spring

For a list of test dates: act student or sat collegeboard


CIALFO, you will be assigned a counselor and can start booking meetings with us


Goal: Discuss course selections for 12th grade. 

Review the prospective college list and begin narrowing choices. 

Confirm registration for the ACT and/or SAT. 

Review test preparation options for ACT & SAT, e.g.; Bluebook, Khan Academy, Ms Ashkar will be giving SAT math prep


Counselors host College Minimester for students.

Create a prospective college longlist utilizing CIALFO and other college search engines


Students and Parents attend virtual College Fairs.

Schedule a formal or informal tour to visit the campus. Colleges also have open houses or designated days parents and students may attend that additional activities are going on, especially for visiting families.


Find an internship/job/summer program (Make your last summer count)

Draft a college essay using common app essay prompts

Talk with Francisco Quinonez: fquinonez@cag.edu.gt