
TLC PD Workshops

Scheduled TLC Workshops can be viewed in the events calendar and in the VRCFall 2023 Workshop Series. If interested in scheduling a workshop for your department or group, please reach out to the TLC at Below are the series and workshops we are able to provide. They will often require pre-work and individual preparation before the event, which will involve hands on implementation, Q&A and collaboration. These workshops can be adapted to support both in-person and online teaching.

Building Inclusive and Collaborative Learning Engagement 

Let's Play with Grading Approaches, Schemes and the Gradebook

Let's have a conversation and practice what and how the Canvas grade book looks, and can do (and not do!) for novel approaches to grading and assessments. Come prepared to share your grading strategies and philosophies. We will discuss various grading approaches 

Creating an Equitable Liquid Syllabus with Google Sites

In this activity, we’ll talk about the concept of a liquid syllabus, and use Google Sites to create one of your own. 

Increasing Student Engagement with Pronto

In this activity, we’ll cover how to use Pronto to create a more engaging student experience. This session is hands-on from beginning to end.

Video Creation

Creating Short Videos with ScreenPal

In this activity, we’ll go through a step-by-step process for creating short accessible videos using the ScreenPal tool

Creating Interactive Videos with Playposit

In this activity, we’ll use the Canvas integrated tool called PlayPosit to create interactive video experiences for students

Equity in Assessments and Grading 

Creating Student Agency through Holistic Grading Approaches and Project-based Learning 

In this activity, we'll explore grading strategies and philosophies. We will discuss various grading approaches and dive into approaches to grading. Then we will learn asbout the concept of project-based learning and how to build students' agency in relation to developing our curricular thematic projects. Participants will leave with ideas for holistic grading rubrics examples as an approach for equity in grading. 

Authentic Assessments using Canvas Rubrics

Whether you are teaching in-person or online, Canvas offers great tools for assessments. In this session, we’ll learn how to build assignments and rubrics with authenticity in mind.

 Universal Design Learning

Universal Design Learning through Creating Accessible Content

In this activity, you will learn the basics of the concept of Universal Design Learning. We’ll learn to use Ally and PopeTech as tools for checking and remediating for accessibility, and we’ll also learn what these tools won’t catch!


Did you know the TLC supports some fun grant-funded learning tools to help your teaching practices and to support with strategies for AB705/1705? Learn about Equatio that make creating accessible STEM content easier, as well as a tool that makes it accessible. Both are available to Cabrillo faculty and students!

Coming Soon!