
Types of Consultations

The TLC in collaboration with stakeholders and instructional colleagues, offer a variety of consultations to get you started on a wide range of topics related to teaching and learning, distance education, professional development, and VRC MySeahawkPD. For more robust support in these areas, we offer full programs (many with stipends!) to support the design and development of your courses. 

Transformative Teaching and Learning

Canvas - EdTech - VRC

Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a consultation using our Calendar. Our team will assess your request and get back to you on a team member that will meet with you either in - person or on Zoom. 

Do You Have a Burning Question? 

If you need immediate assistance for teaching with digital tools, or administrator questions related to Canvas or the VRC, check out our Support Options page.

Not Seeing What You Are Looking For? 

Email us at: and let us know the type of consultation you are seeking.