External Credit Request

Professional Development is supposed to be flexible. You have the opportunity to take on-campus Flex Instructor-led activities that are already on the calendar. You also have the opportunity to take external professional development. When creating and submitting an External Training Proposal please make sure it is well-planned, professionally appropriate, described in detail, and aligned with Title V (Title 5, section 55720(b) states that “district with an approved flexible calendar may designate as flexible time for an employee not more than 8.57 percent of that employee’s contracted obligation for hours of classroom instruction which are eligible for state apportionments in that academic year, exclusive of any intersession." Title 5, section 55726(a) further states that, “For each instructor specified by the district to participate in staff, student, and instructional improvement activities in lieu of classroom instruction the district shall ente4r into an agreement with such employee specifying the particular activities during the designated days which the instructor will perform in lieu of classroom instruction.”), and from an approved external training category.

Please submit one External Training Request per external event!

Request External Credit

To add an External Flex Credit that you have designed yourself, go to your Transcript and click on the button with the three dots, then select “add external training”. Then enter the information for your self-designed External Training. You need to include the title, description, start/end date, hours, and describe how it leads to student, instructional, or staff improvement.

Edit External Credit Request

To edit an External Training that has already been submitted click on “View Training Details” and then “Edit External Training”. 

Complete External Credit Request

To mark an External Training Complete you must wait until the end date has passed and then you will have the option to “Mark Complete”