Frequently Asked Questions

For Flex Activity Participants

How do I remove an event from my transcript that I did not attend?

At any time you can move the event or activity to your "Archive" by hovering over "Learning," selecting "My Transcript," locating the event under Active or Completed status, and then clicking the arrow next to the event and selecting "Move to Archived Transcript." Here is a guide to help! You can also request that the event manager remove you from their roster. 

How do I get added to an event I did not register for?

If you signed a sign-in sheet or attended a Zoom session (and your name was on display) the activity facilitator should add you when marking off attendance (which should occur within a week after the event). If not, or if you do not see it added to your transcript after a week, please reach out to your activity facilitator to add you to the activity.

I don't see an event I attended, where is it?

Please review

How much Flex Credit do I need to complete?

Here is a handy guide for calculating how many hours you will need to complete:

If you need confirmation, please reach out to your division office. 

How much Flex Credit have I completed?

There are a few ways to check! Please take a look at our Completed Flex Guide for more details.

Why is my Flex Credit total on the Completed Flex Dashboard lower than it should be?

You may need to refresh your Completed Flex Dashboard:

How many external credit hours is my activity worth?

Typically 1 hr for 1 hr of your activity, but please consult your Dean for recommendation and approval.

Who approves my external credit hours?

For faculty, it will be you Dean. For staff, it will be your direct supervisor.

For Flex Activity Facilitators

Do I need to register for my event to get double credit?

No! Please do not register for your own event. This will limit your abilities as a facilitator. Please refer to this page on Double Credit for further instructions.