Welcome to Primary 6/7's Shared Education Page


Pupils from Primary 6/7 in Rasharkin Primary and Primary 7 in St Patrick’s Primary have really enjoyed participating in the INTO Film workshops this year.  Into Film is a charity whose aim is to put film at the heart of children’s education. Pupils were provided with a workbook and completed some activities prior to their first shared trip to the Jet Centre to watch ‘Asterix’. They were also given a checklist of features to look out for during the film. The following sessions focused on discussion of the film, looking at genre, character and setting, using colour and sound effects, which led on to how to effectively review a film. Pupils shared what they enjoyed about the film and began to plan for their own short film. In mixed groups, pupils from both schools critiqued each other's film ideas. For their final session, pupils then travelled together to Flowerfield Arts Centre in Portstewart to watch the film Wall-E. The sessions were a great mix of face to face and online meetings.  


Sharkin Plan It

In addition to this, St Patrick’s Primary were very fortunate to receive funding from the community group ‘Sharkin Plan It’. We decided it would be of benefit to use this funding to bring in coaches from the Joey Dunlop leisure centre to provide fun coaching sessions with the pupils from Rasharkin Primary and St Patrick’s Primary. Over three afternoons, pupils participated in various games together, with parents being invited to come along to the final session. The pupils really enjoyed the opportunity to meet up and play together and have further developed their friendships with one another.