Welcome to Primary 4/5's Shared Education Page


Primary 4/5 in Rasharkin Primary School and Primary 5 in St. Patrick’s commenced Term 1 in September 2022 by using Micro:bits (a programmable device) to support their learning of ‘Mighty Me’.  To begin their Shared Education programme they engaged in ice-breaker activities followed by a trip to the local park and enjoyed ice-lollies! Then a number of lessons followed, that were plugged and unplugged, introducing them to the use of the new Micro:bit device. They were able to programme the digital device to display emojis to express their emotions and make a scrolling name-badge. Further on in the series they were given the task of using the Micro:bit to make a step-o-meter which linked with the message of keeping healthy and being active. As a celebration the children completed their programme by going on a trip to Ballymena Library and the People’s Park.  The children thoroughly enjoyed their experience and have developed friendships that will continue into next year.