
How to Control Streaming?

  • In order to monitor young people’s exposure to streaming sites, it is important to set parental controls.

  • Parents/Guardians should talk to their teenagers about streaming sites they are using and regularly ask questions about what they are watching and creating. Parents/Guardians can even watch favourites videos with their teens to show their interest and to let their children know that they care about the time that is being spent on sites such as YouTube.

  • Set limits on technology time. For teenagers, it can be helpful to limit or remove technology from the room during homework time and bedtime. If technology is necessary for homework, parents/guardians can ask teens to use phones, laptops, and tablets in communal family space within the house.

How to Control Live-Streaming?

If young people are permitted to participate in a livestream (either hosting their own livestream or joining another person’s livestream) it is important to inform children:

  • Not to share private information.

  • Not to respond to contact requests from people they don’t know. Go through the privacy and safety settings and ensure young people have the strongest privacy settings so only trusted friends and family members that they know offline can view their online profiles and videos.

  • Support and Reporting. It is really important to make sure young people know where to go for support if they need it, and how to report concerns. Remind them that they can always speak to you or an adult they trust if they are worried.

  • Consider which platform to use since free platforms such as YouTube or Facebook Live do not allow young people to restrict their audience.

  • Familiarise yourself with the privacy settings and know how to report any offensive or abusive content.

  • Remind young people that any comments they post on live streams will be seen by others and cannot be edited or deleted and this can become a part of their digital footprint. It is a permanent written record.