
Tips for Parents/Guardians

To protect young children from sexting, parents and guardians could:

  • Tell them that sexting is illegal, and images can be difficult to remove once posted.

  • Give them clear expectations about how they use their mobile phones.

  • Advise them to report ‘strange’ behaviour online just like they would offline.

  • Have open discussions about who they talk to online.

  • Talk through what they've heard about sexting.

  • Try to remain calm and approachable and let them know you care when discussing the topic area.

  • Reassure them that talking about sexting doesn’t mean they have to give up their phone/device.

  • If you are aware that your child has been involved in an incident stay calm, support your daughter, and call 101. You may wish to speak with the police for advice or help to contain the image.

Coping with Pressure To Send Nudes

Sexting should always be consensual. That means it is not okay for a young person to feel pressurised into sending a nude. Feeling pressured can include:

  • Feeling like you owe someone something.

  • Worrying that they won’t like you as much if you don’t.

  • Being asked over and over again.

  • Not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings.

  • Worrying about getting into trouble or being hurt if you don’t.

  • Being offered money or a gift.

Parental Support

The Consequences of Sexting - YouTube Video