Year 9 Science

Christmas Exam

Revision List - Variation & Reproduction

Revision Notes - Variation

Differences in individuals of the same species or between different species is known as Variation. There may be variation in height, weight, eye colour etc.

We inherit some of our features from our parents eg. hair colour, eye colour, height etc.

Other features are caused by our environment eg. scars, hair length etc.

Most cells in our body have a Nucleus which contain thread-like structures called

Chromosomes. Every human body cell contains 46 chromosomes (23 pairs).

However, sex cells such as sperm and egg cells contain only 23 chromosomes.

DNA, Genes, Chromosomes, Nucleus and the Cell

Genes are found on Chromosomes and these contain instructions for inheritance such as eye-colour, hair colour, height etc. Each Gene contains strands of smaller DNA in a spiral Double Helix shape. Chromosomes are packed into the Nucleus of the Cell.

Measuring the Types of Variation

Variation can be caused by the Genes inherited from parents or from the Environment. A person may inherit the ability to roll their tongue from their parents but their height might be affected by the nutrition in their diet, their environment.

Continuous Variation involves a trait that can be measured; Height, Weight, Foot size, hand size. The Graph is usually ‘Bell Shaped’.

Discontinuous Variation involves a trait that can not be measured; Eye colour, ability to roll tongue, blood group.

Revision Notes - Reproduction

The male sex cell is the sperm and the female sex cell is the egg (ovum).

Sperm are made in the testis and eggs are made in the ovary.

The sperm tube carries sperm to the penis. Glands add fluid to the sperms to make semen.

Every 28 days (1 month) the egg tube carries an egg to the


Fertilisation and Pregnancy

To make a baby, the male and female sex cells must join together. This is called fertilisation. At fertilisation the sperm penetrates the egg and its nucleus joins with the egg nucleus, forming a Zygote Cell. Fertilisation occurs in the oviduct. If the egg is fertilised it passes down the egg tube (oviduct) and settles in the Uterus wall to develop during pregnancy, growing and dividing by Mitosis.

In a pregnant woman the baby develops in the Uterus for 9 months. The Cervix widens and then the muscles contract during birth of the baby, to push the baby out of the uterus.

The Placenta

A plate-shaped organ called a Placenta, forms in the Uterus. Inside the placenta the blood of the foetus and the mother comes close together.

The placenta acts as a barrier to infections and harmful substances. The umbilical cord carries blood with oxygen and nutrients to the foetus from the placenta. The fluid sac acts as a shock absorber to protect the foetus.

Male and Female Changes During Puberty

Revision List - Acid and Alkali

Revision Notes - Acid and Alkali

Acids and alkalis are corrosive. Acids and alkalis are chemical opposites.

Indicators can be used to show which substances are Acids and which things are Alkalis, or even Neutral.

Universal Indicator is an indicator that shows how strong or weak an acid or alkalis is, or if the chemical is Neutral.

The colour change is matched to the pH Scale. There are 14 different numbers and colours on the pH Scale.

Acids have a pH between 0-6

Neutrals are exactly 7

Alkalis have a pH between 8-14


If two equal volumes and concentrations of Acid and Alkali are reacted it will produce a Neutral Solution made from Salt and Water.

This is useful in every-day life. A sting can be neutralised, cure indigestion or in farming:

· Bee Sting is Acidic and can be neutralised by Alkaline Baking Power.

· Lime is also Alkaline and is spread on soil that is too Acidic by farmers.

Hazard Symbols

Hazard Symbols are used to quickly identify dangerous Chemicals in the lab. They are easily identifiable and have universally understood pictures, especially if they are used for a concentrated Acid or Alkali:

Weak Acids or Alkalis with have a Caution (Health Hazard) symbol !

Stronger more concentrated Acid or Alkalis will have a Corrosive symbol.

Revision Notes - Printable Version

Year 9 - Assessment 2 Revision List and Notes.pdf