Year 9 Citizenship

LLW Christmas Exam

Topic 1 - Exclusion

  • The term used to describe when someone is left out

  • How might a person feel if they are left out?

  • Explain groups of people who may be excluded

Topic 2 - Equality

  • What is prejudice?

  • Explain what discrimination means

  • What are the different types of discrimination and how these can be resolved?

Topic 3 - Human Rights

  • What does UDHR stand for?

  • Name and explain one right that a child has today

  • Explain two human rights in the UDHR document

Topic 4 - NGOs

  • Name one NGO

  • Describe social inequality that a person may face

  • Explain ways how people can support an NGO

Topic 5 - Source Question

In this question you will asked to read information about the work of an NGO (Save the Children) and how they help to improve a child’s life. You will also be asked to include your own information

Topic 6 - Evaluation Question

In this question you will asked to:

  • know the advantages of the work of Save the Children

  • know the disadvantages of the work of Save the Children give your own opinion