KS3 Assessment


Welcome to our new KS3 Assessment website for ERC. On this website you will find details of the assessments our students will be completing in each subject at KS3. Across this year we will be focusing on learning to learn and trying to ensure our students know how to prepare for the wide range of assessments that they will face across the school year. In the run up to our Christmas Assessments this website will begin to fill with top tips for studying in each subject area. For now we want to share this with you so you can see what assessments are happening. Below is our assessment calender for this academic year with each assessment window highlighted in yellow. In these assessment windows students will complete an assessment in each subject and these are currently detailed in the subject areas. 

Christmas Revision 2023

We are excited to reveal the revision section for KS3 Christmas exams. We hope this proves useful in your preparations and wish you the best of luck!

Assessment Calander 23/24

Summer Revision 2023

We are delighted to reveal our Summer Revision 2023 resources. Good Luck with your end of year Exams!