Year 10 Citizenship LLW

Christmas Exam

Topic 1 - Community

  • Where people share a sense of belonging

  • Explain changes that you could bring to your community and why.

  • Identify who could help bring change about within a community

Topic 2 - Active Citizenship

  • The term when someone gets involved in helping their community

  • Explain how people can become active citizens within their community

  • Identify what you could do to be more active within your community

Topic 3 - The Importance of Law

  • The definition of the rules that people must follow in the community

  • Explain why Law is important in society

  • Describe what it would be like if we didn’t have Laws in society.

Topic 4 - Changes in the law

  • Name who is responsible for making changes in the Law

  • Explain changes in the Law that have taken place

  • Identify one Law that you would like to change

Topic 5 - Source Question

In this question you will asked to read information about how people can get more involved in the community and be able to provide an example of a person who does volunteer work.

Topic 6 - Evaluation Question

In this question you will asked to know the advantages and disadvantages of:

· joining a youth club

· voting

· signing a petition

· peaceful protesting