Remote Learning

Remote learning at Devenish College is used to enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods and provide a valuable reference point which can be accessed anytime, anywhere. 

Our Blended Learning approach  includes classroom teaching and learning, combined with structured online learning.  Teachers will upload resources/tasks for pupils to complete and pupils may be asked to upload completed work to Google Classroom or to bring it into school for marking.  

Below you will find details of how to access My School and Google Classroom but you will also find help sheets to assist you with common issues students may come across like navigating Google Classroom or changing their password.  Should you require any additional support, please email us using the link at the bottom of the page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  Please remember that to log into Google classroom properly, you must use after you name and numbers. 

My School Login

My School is part of the C2K network for all schools in Northern Ireland.  Pupils can access all their files and documents from home through My School using their normal  login details that they use to log on in school.

Pupils are encouraged to use MySchool for accessing their work from home and to make sure that work is backed up properly, instead of just relying on the use of memory pens. Pupils can also access Google Classroom via MySchool.

Click the above icon to access our E Learning Help & Support Guide.

Google Classroom is our pupils digital link to learning. Teachers at Devenish College will use GC to make announcements, give reminders, share assignments, homework, resources and much more with students.  You can access quick help sheets for GC by clicking on the buttons below.

Click the above icon for a help sheet on how to access your school email from outside of school.

Click the above icon for advice on how to change your password.