Devenish College



Key Stage 3

Devenish College is well equipped to deliver a wide range of subjects.

On entry to the school, pupils are carefully placed into classes based on their personal, social and academic needs. In the first three years pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum in line with the Northern Ireland requirements.

All pupils in year 8 study the following

Classes are stimulating and challenging with active teaching methods and opportunities for connected learning.  Regular assessments enable staff to track student’s progress in subject areas and the cross curricular skills of Communication, Using Mathematics and ICT.  Our staff fully embrace the teaching of other key skills such as working with others, problem solving and decision making.

Key Stage 4

Pupils in Key Stage 4 can avail from a selection of pathways and courses. Students are carefully guided to select pathways according to their abilities, career aspirations and subject choices.  The courses may be GCSE or an alternative accredited course.

All pupils study

Other subjects currently on offer include

Occupational Studies courses are also available in

A group of pupils may participate in a collaborative programme with South West College completing more vocationally based Occupational Studies units from


Post 16

After GCSE examinations many of our pupils return to school for further study. Our current provision includes AS, A2 and other Level 3 Courses in a wide range of subjects including

Some of these courses are delivered in collaboration with South West College and other schools in the Fermanagh Learning Community. Students can also avail of an extensive range of additional courses on offer.