Acmhainní forbartha teanga
le haghaidh cleachtóirí tumoideachais
Language development resources for IM practitioners
Cúlra agus cur chuige / Background and approach
Fuarthas amach i dtionscadal taighde arna mhaoiniú ag Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta faoi choimirce na Roinne Oideachais mar chuid de phlean feidhmithe A Fair Start, go bhfeictear do chleachtóirí tumoideachais go bhfuil géarghá le hacmhainní oiliúna chun tacú le cleachtóirí barr feabhais teanga a bhaint amach, rud a thabharfaidh siad isteach chuig an tseomra ranga chun tairbhe na ndaltaí tumoideachais.
A research report, funded by Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta under the auspices of The Department of Education as part of the Fair Start implementation plan, found that IM practitioners believe there to be a critical need for training resources to support practitioners in achieving linguistic excellence to bring into the classroom for the benefit of IM pupils.
A Fair Start - Final Report and Action Plan.pdf (
De thoradh ar chomhobair idir an Dr Gearóid Ó Domagáin (Ollscoil Uladh) agus Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta agus anois an tÚdarás Oideachais, tá teacht thíos ar réimse acmhainní a rachaidh chun tairbhe gach cineál cleachtóra tumoideachais.
As a result of collaboration between Dr Gearóid Ó Domagáin (Ulster University) and Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta and now the Education Authority, a range of resources can be found below that will benefit every type of IM practitioner.
Seo an cur chuige a mholtar le dul i ngleic leis na hacmhainní:
Here is the recommended approach to the materials:
Céim 1:
Amharc ar an ghreille féinmheasúnaithe atá saindeartha don tumoideachas chun do chuid inniúlachtaí féin a mhapáil in aghaidh na n-inniúlachtaí teanga agus gairme a shíltear a bheith ábhartha le haghaidh earnáil an tumoideachais. Déan nóta de na scileanna a shíleann tú a bhféadfá cur leo.
Look at the bespoke IM self-assessment grid in order to map your own competencies to linguistic and professional competencies deemed relevant for the IM sector. Make note of the skills you feel could be enhanced. If you wish to have your own copy to make notes, launch the grid, and then click 'File' and then 'Download' your own personal copy.
Céim 2:
Amharc ar hinniúlachtaí ginearálta teanga ar Chomhchreat Tagartha na hEorpa um Theangacha (CEFR) agus roghnaigh an leibhéal is mó atá ag teacht le do chumas féin, dar leat féin.
Look at the general linguistic competencies on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and choose the level most suited to your competency, in your estimation. If you wish to have your own copy to make notes, launch the matrix, and then click 'File' and then 'Download' your own personal copy.
Céim 3:
Tabhair faoi na trialacha measúnaithe ar an leibhéal chuí agus breac síos na codanna sin de na trialacha is mó a thugann tú do dhúshlán. Cuimhnigh nach ar an scór is cóir díriú ach ar na deacrachtaí a bhíonn agat; is cuma cé acu a éiríonn leat nó a theipeann ort; níl inti seo ach acmhainn chun tú a chur ag smaoineamh ar thosaíochtaí forbartha teanga. Má dhéanann tú seo in éineacht leis an dá chéim eile thuas, ba cheart go mbeadh barúil is fearr agat ar an fhorbairt teanga ab fhiú duit a dhéanamh.
*Bíodh a fhios agat, nach bhfeicfidh ach úinéir an chúrsa an scór agus ní roinnfear seo le duine ar bith.
Undertake the assessment tests at the relevant level and make note of the parts of the tests that challenge you. Remember not to focus on the score but rather on the difficulties you encounter; it doesn’t matter if you pass or fail; this is simply a resource to get you thinking about your linguistic development priorities. If you do this in conjunction with stage 1 and 2 above, you should have better idea of the linguistic development you could think about undertaking.
*Please be aware that only the course owner will see the score and this will not be shared with anyone.
Cliceáil thíos ar an leibhéal measúnaithe is fearr a oireann duit.
Click below on the assessment level best suited to you.
Céim 4:
Bain úsáid as leabhráin úra Chomhairle na Gaelscolaíochta / Ollscoil Uladh le cur le do chuid scileanna. (Beidh cóip ag teacht chuig do scoil gan mhoill).
Use the new Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta / Ulster University booklets to enhance your skills. (A copy will be sent to your school shortly).
Céim 5:
Tabhair aiseolas ar na hacmhainní seo agus tabhair smaointe breise.
Give feedback on these resources and offer further suggestions.
Céim 6:
Pléigh deiseanna eile forbartha teanga le do bhainisteoir líne.
Discuss further linguistic development opportunities with your line manager.