Behavior Policy

My classroom rules are:    

1. We are safe.

2. We are kind and respectful.

3. We follow directions and listen.

4. We take care of our classroom.

5. We have fun and learn.

Class Dojo

We use a website called Class Dojo to award students points for behavior. They can earn points for just about any positive behavior. Some points are higher for the best unexpected positive behaviors. The best part about Dojo is each parent can see what their child got points for each day! We do not take points away, however, we do put poor choices into Dojo as zero points so parents can see this as well.  

  -Students can use their points to buy things like free time, extra recess for the class, etc. 

Our class follows Challenge to Excellence's behavior response policies. When behavior is not an appropriate behavior the student will: 

The after the third reminder, remote learners will receive a Google Behavior Form that is sent to them and their parents. I will meet with them after class to discuss what happened. 

C2E will adhere to the policies set forth in the Douglas County Student Code of Conduct and Discipline book. The provisions of the Code will apply to all students without regard to gender, ethnicity, race, religious affiliation, or disability.

Core Values

C2E uses the following founding Core Values as the basis for our behavior expectations. Additionally, we implement a PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) behavioral philosophy. It is our intent that adults always model for students. Each interaction must be seen through a student’s perspective with teaching opportunity as the sole outcome. This affords every adult at C2E the opportunity to teach first and implement consequences for student choices second. Therefore, every adult at C2E is a teacher.

         P – Perseverance

         R – Respect

         I – Integrity

         D – Determination

         E – Empathy

Our goal is for every student and adult to know the expectations and be able to tell anyone who asks about our core values, what their meaning is, and how it relates to our school's mission. It is our job to teach that to all of our students and then practice until we have perfected these expectations. Once the expectation is fully taught and comprehended, then and only then can we hold our students and ourselves accountable to achieving them.

Should a student violate one of these school principles, the student should be redirected through the C2E Discipline Matrix as well as a set of interventions established through PBIS.  Behavior Matrix