Letter of Recommendation Process

Types of Letters of Recommendation

Teacher Letters

Counselor Letter/ School Report

Teacher Letter of Recommendation Process

Please give your teacher(s) at least 2 weeks notice not including weekends/holidays

Step 1

Finalize your college list in Naviance by adding the schools to "Colleges I'm Applying To"

Include which deadlines you plan to meet

Step 2

Request a letter of recommendation from your teachers through Naviance

(See video below)

Step 3

Complete the teacher letter of recommendation through Google Docs and SHARE it with the teacher(s) you would like to write your recommendation

(Click below to create a copy)

Step 4

Email your teacher to request a Letter of Recommendation.

(See tips for writing a professional email)

Counselor Letter of Recommendation Process

Please give your counselor at least 2 weeks notice not including weekends/holidays

Step 1:

Finalize your college list by adding them to "Colleges I'm Applying To" and include which deadlines you plan to meet on Naviance

Step 2:

Complete your "Counselor Letter of Recommendation Survey" on Naviance

(See video below)

Step 3:

Email your counselor to request a Letter of Recommendation or School Report

DO NOT request through Naviance, as the counselor letter is typically required

Requesting Teacher Letters of Recommendation in Naviance

Tutorial on how to request teacher letters of recommendation in Naviance

Completing the Counselor Letter of Recommendation Survey in Naviance

Tutorial on how to complete the Counselor Letter of Recommendation Survey in Naviance