Religion & Ethics

Curriculum Overview

Religion & Ethics Curriculum Pathway (1) (2).pptx


The reasons why we study RE

The two important objectives underpinning RE in schools is that pupils should learn both about and from religions. Pupils learn about people of different religions, cultures and beliefs. Pupils look at how belief and faith can affect the way people live their lives. Pupils are encouraged to think about their own beliefs, how these affect their lives and how they might differ from people of different faiths and cultures. They explore the idea of a diverse society and how each belief deserves respect. RE at Bullers Wood Boys is delivered in an issues based format where pupils are able to explore important topics such as racism, the science vs religion debate and conflict through the eyes of the 6 major world religions. They learn about different religious attitudes towards these issues and evaluate the religious responses alongside their own viewpoints.

We aim for pupils to ask questions about life, beliefs about God, right and wrong and what it is to be human in a safe and open-minded environment. As pupils learn more about different religions they are encouraged to reflect on their own lives and how they might be similar or different to those of particular religions. With this deeper understanding of themselves and the beliefs of others, pupils should develop a greater sense of identity and belonging; as well as the importance of respecting and understanding others. Combined with the variety of religions and cultures studied this contributes greatly to their spiritual and moral development without promoting any particular faith.

National Curriculum: 2.1 Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and which: promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

Superstars - Autumn Term

Every term, staff nominate students who go above and beyond in lessons. Please view the superstars work below.

We were visited by Protection Approaches, a charity that delivers workshops to help to commemorate the Holocaust. As part of the follow up to these challenging sessions year 8 students were tasked with designing memorial flame artwork. The carousel of images here represent the top 20 creations as chosen by the teachers and the Protection Approaches team.

Test for image scrolling

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