Reserve a Mobile Maker Kit

Watch this video tutorial

This two minute video tutorial will walk you through the steps outlined below to reserve a Mobile Maker Kit for your school.

Step 1: Mobile Maker Terms of Use Agreement

If you haven't done so already, please complete the Mobile Maker Kit Agreement, on the right, before reserving a Mobile Maker Kit.

Step 2: Check Kit availability (Max of 30 days)

Review the calendar below and to find which Kits are available for dates you want. There are 8 Kits. Choose the Kit number that is available during the time frame you need. Remember the Kit number.

Step 3: Create your reservation on master Mobile Maker Kit calendar

Click the "+Google Calendar" icon, bottom right corner, on the calendar below to open the calendar in a new tab.

  1. Create a new event.
  2. Name it "Kit # - school name".
  3. Enter the dates of your reservation - make them all-day. (Ensure the end date is a work day)
  4. Under Calendar, use the dropdown menu to move the event from your calendar to Mobile Maker Kit Master Calendar.
  5. Invite Rae and Zoe to the event.
  6. Click Room and type in IT.Mobile Maker Kit.
  7. Select the correct Kit number from the drop down list to reserve it for your date range.
  8. Save your event.

What's in a Mobile Maker Kit?

Jumpstart Your Learing about Mobile Maker Kit Components

(click on image below to access the Mobile Maker Kit Resource Symbaloo)