Parent Portal

Dear Parents~

You are the greatest resource the school staff members have to help your child reach their highest potential.  It's always been our philosophy that a team approach is the best way to help kids become who they are meant to be.  The team is big!  Bus drivers, teachers, administrators, custodians; we're all here for the same reason.  However, the most important member of the team is you!  WE am here as a resource for you.  Let's work together; let's get creative to find the best ways to make sure your child is happy and thriving at school and in life.  

We're very interested in hearing your feedback.  Please use any of the contact options listed on my home page to get in touch with us.

Best Regards,  

Erin & Carly

P.S. Check out the sections below for tips for a successful school experience & other resources!

Tips for a successful school experience:

Lack of sleep is one of the biggest obstacles for being ready to learn. 

Blue light from devices is proven to disrupt sleep patterns.  

Growing burns up a lot of calories; much more than what we need as adults.  If your kiddo prefers breakfast at school to breakfast at home, we can accommodate them.  Please contact our Cafeteria Supervisor at for more information about our breakfast program.

Reviewing the student handbook can help stop problems before they start.  If everyone is aware of the expectations, then there are no surprises about policies or procedures.

Parent groups offer a lot of support.  They can share information about policies, procedures, and experiences that can make you feel more comfortable and aware about your child's daily routine at school and overall school climate.

Missing school has a huge impact on your child's overall ability to learn and grow as a student.  Of course, if your child is sick, you should keep them home.  If your child is asking to stay home for reasons other than illness, (anxiety, bullying, et cetera), please let us know.  We want all kids to be at school whenever they can, and we want them to feel happy and safe while they're here.  

Double check it.  You know your child better than anyone else. All kids are different; some kids are more responsible than others.  If your child tends to be on the forgetful side, take a quick glance at homework and his/her/their agenda each evening. 

Sometimes when we're in a rush, or exhausted at the end of the day, it's just easier to take care of things ourselves.  Teaching kids how to tie shoes, clean up after meals, and pick up toys can feel more like a chore for us than them, but these are skills they will need when they come to school.  Plus, it will make things easier at home in the long run.  

A new school year can be overwhelming for kids.  When anyone is overwhelmed, it's easy to overlook things.   A quick scan in the morning can help catch anything they've forgotten to take care of.  Checking backpacks for all needed materials can catch missing items before it causes an issue.  A quick body scan can help your student socially.  Checking to make sure no breakfast or toothpaste got onto clothes, teeth were brushed, and deodorant was applied, can make a huge impact on your child's social experience at school, especially as they get older.  

It takes a village, right?  You and your child's teachers are a team with the same goal; the goal of making your child's school experience the best it can be.  Happy, engaged students show growth and success.  It won't always be easy, but a strong relationship with the teacher will always make it easier.

Life is busier and more hectic now than it ever has been.  It's also more expensive.  The hardships we've endured the last few years have left many parents in a position where a second job or longer hours are necessities.  It's also taken great emotional tolls, leaving lots of parents drained and exhausted.  You don't have to make it to every event.  Pick the ones that are most important to you and your child.  If the times offered for conferences, meetings, or open house can't work with your schedule, reach out to your child's teacher and ask for an alternative time.  We are flexible and want to help make communication possible.  

Extracurricular activities are a great way for kids to connect, find new friends, find new passions, learn team building skills, and enrich their lives.  We  offer many different clubs, teams, and activities outside the school day.  If transportation is an issue, reach out to the coach or sponsor.  Sometimes we're able to find another parent who could help with rides.

If you're able to pick your child up from school, take the opportunity provided by the car ride home to see how the school day went. If you don't have that luxury, try to carve out some time in the evening or before school to see how their day went.  This applies for Pre-K through 8th grade. 

We need you!  We would love to have your help with field trips, classroom visits, recess/cafeteria supervision, and many other ways.  If you're able to give some of your time to our school, we will welcome you!