Types of Scholarships there are scholarships out there for all types of students. The secret is to know what kind of scholarships are available, and where to look for them. Let's take a moment to consider the different types of scholarships that are available to the right college-bound student.

  • Academic Scholarships: one of a number of high-profile merit scholarships arise awarded to students who have demonstrated an outstanding history of academic achievement.

  • Athletic Scholarships: These are very competitive scholarships given to student-athletes by Division I and Division II schools. If you are planning to participate in Division I or Division II sports in college, please visit the NCAA Student-Athletes tab for more information.

  • Community Service Scholarships: Community service scholarships take a number of different forms, and are available from many different sources.

  • Creative Scholarships: Whether your passion is music, film, literature, or the visual arts there are scholarship programs that target your educational and financial needs

  • Merit Scholarships: These are scholarships you earn just by applying to a college! Admissions officers review your college application and award you money based on your GPA, SAT or ACT scores, and class rank. No separate scholarship application is required!

  • Outside Scholarships: These are scholarships given out by various organizations and businesses. To find outside scholarships, you can check the Scholarship Bulletin and also use the following websites:

  • Scholarships for Minories: These scholarships can be general or specific in their ethnic requirements, with some being open to all minority students while others are designed to benefit one ethnic group in particular.

  • Scholarships for Women: These are also scholarships specifically designed to benefit women.

  • STEM Scholarships: If you are pursuing a degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) related program, there are many scholarships designed for you.