Dual Enrollment

Interested in Dual Enrollment?

Fill out the Form to share your interests with us!

To learn more, please reach out to:

Mrs. Shelly Heller - sheller@building21.org Room 106

Mrs. Kendall McArthur - kmcarthur@building21.org Room 302

*The contents of this page are taken from materials provided by The School District of Philadelphia, Community College of Philadelphia, LaSalle University, Harrisburg University, and Temple University. Contents have been displayed here to allow students to more easily access information provided by these partners.

What is Dual Enrollment?

Dual enrollment is when a student takes a college course while enrolled in both high school and an Institution of Higher Education. Dual enrollment provides students with an opportunity to complete college-level coursework and earn college credits. Dual enrollment offers rigorous courses and provides an introduction to and preparation for college life and expectations. These programs provide an accelerated pathway through college that saves students time and money.

The School District of Philadelphia will cover the costs of books and tuition for eligible high school juniors and seniors at participating colleges and universities.

The Dual Enrollment Application Period for the Spring 2022 semester is October 11 -November 30, 2021 for ALL QUALIFIED 11th and 12th grade students within The School District of Philadelphia. Each college/university has its own admission requirements so please review before submitting your application.

If you have any questions regarding the Dual Enrollment program, please email dualenrollment@philasd.org or speak with your HS Counselor

Benefits of Dual Enrollment

• Students get a jumpstart on a college degree

• Helps ease the transition to college academics and builds confidence Students can explore college life and the opportunities it offers

• Earning college credit while in high school can help reduce the cost of earning a college degree

• Accumulating college credits while in high school helps students graduate on time or even early

• Some dual enrollment options are conducted right at the high school at the high school

Are you on track with your credits to graduate on time?

Apply to Community College of Philadelphia "Advance at College" and "Early Scholars" Program.

The Early Scholars and Advance At College Program allow high school students to take college courses for FREE while still in high school. The cost of text books is also covered!

Follow these steps to apply to CCP.

  1. Complete the Dual Enrollment Interest Form. Then speak with or email Mrs. Heller.

  2. Complete the Advance At College Program application. Instructions in this document.

  3. Complete the FERPA Form. (you will receive a link digitally for the FERPA form after you complete your AACP application above).

  4. Next you must satisfy placement with the College.

        1. Submit your high school transcript

        2. View the Revised Placement Process here.

        3. You may need to take the CCP Placement Test (see below for registration)

  5. Access & Complete the Early Scholars Intent Form by:

  • Login to MYCCP student portal --> Click Student Tab

  • Click Dace Forms (Electronic Forms section) --> Select Early Scholars Intent Form

  1. View course registration instructions for Dual Enrollment Students.

  2. Discuss course interests with Ms. Heller and find courses: Course Finder!

CCP Course Finder Stepper

The CCP Course Finder Stepper can help students and staff select courses that interest them. Then submit a registration request for prefered courses.

Register for a Placement Test: 3 options are available

Option 1: Drop-in testing

You can test in-person on the Main Campus Monday through Thursay anytime between 9 am and 2 pm. No need to make an appointment, just come on in. Remember to bring valid photo ID and your vaccination card or take a free COVID test on campus right before your placement test.

Assessment Center Location on CCP Main Campus

Bonnell Building, Ground Floor, Room BG-14

1700 Spring Garden Street,

Philadelphia, PA 19130

You can also drop-in to test at our Northeast Campus every Thursday. Click here to schedule a test at our Northeast Regional Center.

(When you use this link you will have to log in to MyCCP. If you need your log-in credentials, please email 4ITsupport@ccp.edu. If you encounter trouble using this link, please send us an email at assessmentcenter@ccp.edu – include your name and J number and that you are trying to schedule the in-person test.)

Option 2: 24/7 Virtual testing through Examity

Click here to complete a form to see if you’re eligible to receive a placement test voucher through Accuplacer and Examity. After you complete the form and we determine that you are eligible, we’ll send you a test voucher within 2 business days.Please note that to test virtually, you must have a computer with a webcam and audio capabilities. Tablets, cell phones and chrome books are not compatible with the test.

Click here to make sure your computer is compatible with Examity

Option 3: Virtual testing with CCP Proctors

This service is offered Monday through Thursday during business hours. Send your full name, J number, date of birth and phone number to assessmentcenter@ccp.edu. Add that you’d like to take the test virtually with a CCP proctor. Please note that to test virtually, you must have a computer with a webcam and audio capabilities. Tablets, cell phones and chrome books are not compatible with the test.

Click here to make sure your computer is compatible with Accuplacer

Take a Practice ACCUPLACER Placement Test

Fun Fact! Through Building 21's partnership with LaSalle University, the university has set aside up to 10 spots for students from Building 21 to enroll in 1 dual enrollment course per semester.

Fall Semester Classes begin on August 29, 2022!

Check out the list of available courses below and on the right.

How do I apply for Community Scholars?

Each year 40 students are selected by the School District of Philadelphia to participate in Community Scholars.

  • Interested students should contact their high school guidance counselor to request a nomination in to the program.

  • Nominated students will receive a link to submit their contact information, high school transcript, and permission certification form to La Salle.

  • Fill out the Community Scholars application

Timeline for Applying in for Fall 2022

  • Apply for Fall Classes between May 5 - June 1st

  • Classes will be held in-person and on campus

  • June 20th - The Dual Enrollment coordinator receives a list of students who were accepted to be Community Scholars

  • Students will receive registration instructions, a course registration preference link, and a list of available courses.

  • June 20 - July 1: students must complete course registration preferences

  • Early August: students and their school counselors will find out which courses they have been registered in for Fall semester.

Building 21 and the School District of Philadelhpia are fortunate to partner with Harrisburg University through their College in the High School program. The CiHS program enables high school students to participate in a college level course taught by a teacher in their school. Students have the benefits of working with a familiar teacher within the comfort of their current school setting and have the opportunity to earn college credit over the course of an entire school year, rather than the typical 15 week college semester. These features of the course provide increased support for students who progressively build up their skills to complete college-level assignments designed by Harrisburg University which are woven into the course curriculum.

Students who are interested in earning college credits while in high school will benefit greatly from taking an HU course because it will allow them to become comfortable with the rigor and demands of a college class while doing so in a supportive environment.

For the 2022-23 School year the HU Courses that are being offered are:

  • English 105: Introduction to Composition - taught by Mr. Hitchner

  • Introduction to Statistics - taught by Mr. Houk