Buckeye Primary Guidance

"Every child you pass in the hallway has a story that needs to be heard. Maybe you are the one meant to hear it." Bethany Hill

Welcome to the Buckeye Primary webpage! I am excited to work with you to address the Academic, Career, and Social/Emotional Development of your child. As a school counselor, I work with students in a variety of settings including: classroom guidance, small groups, and on an individual basis as needed. In addition, I work closely with outside agencies to coordinate services between the school and home. I am here to support you and your child throughout the school-year.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give me a call. I would be happy to meet with you. I look forward to another great year here at Buckeye!

Mrs. Victoria Ludwig M.Ed

Buckeye Primary School Counselor


(330) 722-8257 ext. 4144