New Tech Economy: The Electronic Muscle Stimulators (EMS)

In recent years, to live happier and longer, more and more people have been paying attention to their physical and mental wellbeing. Along with healthy diets (e.g. Mediterranean, gluten-free diet, vegan etc.) and meditation, workouts have been very popular, especially among the young people and people in their 40s and 50s. To achieve benefits of physical activity, many companies offer a wide range of products and services, such as online and in-person fitness classes, protein powders, equipments, etc. It is worth mentioning whole-body Electronic Muscle Stimulators (EMS) suits, another example of a fitness product, is becoming more popular as well.

According to Blake Dircksen, D.P.T., C.S.C.S., a physical therapist at Bespoke Treatments in New York City, “an EMS workout involves the same movements as many other workouts.” Alternatively, it uses low currents of electricity to stimulate and integrate more nerves and muscle fibers. Thus, EMS reduces muscle soreness, pain, and helps accelerate the effects of strength training. For a long time, doctors have used EMS to improve patient’s mobility, such as for those recovering from a stroke. EMS training usually lasts for 15 to 20 minutes, which is as efficient as that takes 3 to 4 times more time than regular workouts. Doing classical cardio movements like squats, lunges, crunches, etc. with EMS could be smarter and more engaging than the traditional approach.

As EMS may lead to noticeable effects on physical strength, it becomes more and more popular in the western society. The number of EMS studios has been increasing over the past few years. Over the past five years, US chain Iron BodyFit, one of the EMS providers, has more than 100 studios in France and is expanding its market in Europe. In estimate, the economic effect of EMS will grow by 51% from $122m in 2020 to $184m in 2030.

On one hand, EMS could be more effective in training and bring more health benefits for healthy individuals and athletes, including increased stability, mobility, organ and artery health, happiness, resilience, etc. EMS also takes less time in fitness, which is user-friendly and efficient for those with a busy schedule. Additionally, EMS could have great economical potential to the sports economy, which contributes to US$700 billion annually to the world economy.

On the other hand, EMS is more expensive than the traditional workout method. Its price is as high as $125 (£110), which may not be favorable for most people because workout videos on youtube and other apps are much cheaper (even free!) and easier to access (i.e. don’t have to wear a suit). Furthermore, doctors are always concerned about the safety of using EMS in physical exercise. If one overdose, misread the instructions or use unregulated products, it may cause a number of health issues, such as shocks, burns, bruising, skin irritation, and pain. Other than the intensity of the exercise, the effectiveness of training depends on other factors like one’s sleep quality, nutrition and mood. Therefore, although EMS could help improve one’s muscle strength temporarily, its long-term effect is still ambiguous and requires more research.

To conclude, as one of the New Tech products, EMS could be efficient, emphasize health benefits of the workout, and be economically profitable in the future. However, its high price could reduce its competitiveness compared to more cost-effective sports products. Its long-term benefits are still ambiguous and could impose health risks on users if being used improperly. Thus, even though workout is desirable for us in the long-term, we should also pay attention to our sleep quantity and quality, balanced diet, and stable mood. Other than these essential factors, we should workout properly (i.e. sufficient, comprehensive warm-up) because a healthy body is the most important for everything. Your physical strength should not define you; instead, it should be something relaxing, supportive and joyful in your life.


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