Job Shadowing

A job shadow is a worksite experience during which a student spends time one-on-one with an employee observing daily activities and asking questions about the job and industry. Students’ complete written assignments before, during, and after the job shadow to help them understand and reflect on what they see, hear, and learn at the workplace.  When appropriate, students do hands-on tasks at the worksite.

A job shadow gives a student a meaningful introduction to the world of work and provides a context for understanding the connection between school and careers.

Specifically, a job shadow helps a student accomplish the following:

Students at Blair-Taylor are given the opportunity to Job Shadow twice a year during their Junior and Senior years.  

The Job Shadow Absence form to complete before job shadow and then returned to Mr. Van Schyndel when they return to school. Students must meet with Mr. Van Schyndel before and after their job shadow. Students must also turn an excused parent note to the Middle/High School office to be excused. 

Here is a link to the Job Shadow Handbook

Job shadow Absence form.docx