ART Expectations

Come to class prepared

Pencils, chromebook, earbuds and positive attitude. I supply everything else, including a sketchbook!


Arrive on time  

Be prepared with materials 

Use time wisely

Pay attention

Follow directions 

Give full attention to teacher

Raise your hand to speak

Wait your turn

Keep hands & feet to self

Treat others kindly 

Treat materials kindly

Be safe

Stay focused

Turn in work on time

Take care of supplies

Clean up after yourself

You can S.O.A.R at BMS

Classroom Expectations

DevicE Expectations

We prefer to positively recognize students who make smART choices & follow the rules. Daily tickets are distributed for those who show respect and responsibility and come to class prepared with a positive attitude!  If a student is stepping on the rights of others, they may be asked to step outside the classroom and given a behavior form to take home and complete. If it is not completed and returned, then a detention is served. Detentions will automatically be given for serious offenses.