
Explanation of Band Dues:
Hello Band Family!
There has been some recurring questions that we want to clarify as best as we can regarding band dues. I realize I did leave off some pertinent information in our handbook/email blast over the last few weeks. I apologize sincerely and appreciate your understanding as we navigate this school year together!
The Boosters and Band Directors met before school started to discuss the our band program. We looked at the needs of the program, its strengths and weaknesses, and where we wanted to see the program grow in the future. We have also talked with our previous band directors to get their input on how we can better our band students and program as a whole as well as our administration. When we met, the topic of band dues came up. We collectively agreed that to continue growing our program in the direction that we need, band dues needed to be collected.
The dues for each group include a band polo that is estimated to cost $25, a leather imprinted RHMS Wildcat Band Folder for estimated $10, Sight Reading Factory Subscription at an estimated $2, GMEA District Honor Band and All State Audition Fees at $25 (for those participating,) 6th Grade Honor Band Fee that we are waiting to hear back the exact cost but can be estimated at $25 (for those participating,) the cost it would include to purchase new music for the program (a singular piece of music costs anywhere from $2-8 per student for each part... if a group plays 4 pieces on a concert, multiplied by 4 groups, this begins to add up,) the cost for a clinician or guest conductor to come in to work with each group or individual student, the fee associated with taking a group to festival or Large Group Performance Evaluation also known as LGPE, and the ability to feed our students before/during/after events. While this list some of the expenses that are associated with your students' success and participation in band, this is not an exhaustive list. Other performing group in our district and school charge a fee to participate, however we do our best to keep the cost as low as we can for these band dues without putting too much of a burden on our band families.
Please understand that we did not come to this decision lightly. In fact, we created a cost break down (attached to this post and listed above) for you to see just how expensive band can be. We understand that this has come as a surprise to many of you. We did send this information in our handbook that we gave out on the first day of school and even went over this information with your children, however we know that this information could have been lost or misplaced. We also know information can be misconstrued. Please know that we are not here to pressure you about money or throw you a curveball. We are here to provide the best for your students and want to help you the best that we can.
We would like to collect these dues as soon as we can, however we know everyone's situation is different. All we ask is that you communicate with us. We can do payment plans, scholarships, or even waive the fee for certain things if needed. Please let us know how we can help. Currently, band dues can be paid via cash, check made to Richmond Hill Wildcat Band Boosters, or via a brand new application based form of payment called Stripe. The link to those payments are listed here:
8th Grade: https://buy.stripe.com/8wMeVje2K0WW3dK9AC
7th Grade: https://buy.stripe.com/7sIeVjgaS8poaGc145
6th Grade: https://buy.stripe.com/00geVjcYG9ts8y46oo
Again, we are here to help your children be as successful as they can be. We know that with your support, we can provide the best education for our band students and they can be more than successful in all they do.
I ask that you email me or Mr. Luke to address individual concerns or questions. We appreciate your support and are so excited for an incredible year in taking RHMS to new heights!
Please don’t forget to join Remind, check our band page, check our Facebook Page, or Facebook Group. I’ve provided the cost breakdown below.
Cost Breakdown Pictures: First picture is 6th grade, second picture should be for 7th and 8th grade.
A. Parker (aparker@bryan.k12.ga.us)
K. Luke (kluke@bryank.12.ga.us)