STUDIO IN ART is a full-year course that focuses on developing a foundation of knowledge in the visual arts. It serves as a prerequisite (requirement) for students interested in taking Digital Photography, Drawing, or Painting. It fulfills one credit of fine art required for graduation.


  • Elements of Art & Principles of Design – Discover how do they make up a work of art

  • Exposure to various artists & art movements from Renaissance (1400s) to today

  • Create art by drawing, painting, collaging, sculpting, and use of digital programs

  • Explore the following art media: pencil, colored pencil, marker, wax pastel, collage (magazines), cardboard, tempera & watercolor paint, as well as Adobe Illustrator

  • Participate in Art Criticism (of self, of peers, and of famous works of art)


The PROCESS of CREATING art is as equally important as the finished product! This is why EFFORT is so important and 20% of each project grade!


Projects make up 85% of a student’s grade. Each project will be graded on the following criteria: Problem Solving, Demonstration of Skills & Knowledge, Craftsmanship & Presentation, Effort/Motivation, and completion of a Self-Assessment. Each section is scored on a five point rubric scale. Points are added up and averaged, then converted to grades out of 100 points.

Sketchbooks make up 15% of a student’s grade. Sketchbook assignments are not “busy work” or just a reason for you to have homework. They do serve a valuable purpose. As with most activities, (sports, playing an instrument/singing, video gaming etc.), practicing the activity makes you better at it. Drawing is no different than these activities. The more you look at the world and draw it, the better you become at drawing, as well as being observant of your surroundings. Sketchbooks will be assigned five times a quarter. Extra credit sketchbook assignments will be offered two times a quarter. You will receive a calendar of due dates for the entire school year. This calendar doubles as a grading sheet. You will receive a packet of assignments for each quarter. They will also be posted in Google Classroom



  • Sketchbooks are due on the day listed on the assignment sheet or in Google Classroom

  • You should be spending at least 40 minutes on each assignment, some will take longer

  • Sketchbooks are evaluated on the following: fulfillment of the assignment and requirements, creativity, craftsmanship, composition/usage of the entire page, time/effort, and page setup

  • Assignment solutions must be school appropriate. Anything inappropriate will not be graded.

  • Sketchbook grades are graded out of 20 points (20=100, 19=95, 18=90, 17=85, 16=80 & so on)

  • Extra credit sketchbooks can be used to REPLACE a low grade or a zero. It will make a low grade an instant 100! If replacing a zero or skipped assignment it will be graded.

  • Late sketchbooks will result in a late point deduction:

    • If handed in one day late through the following week, - 1 point

    • If handed in after one week late until the end of the interim/marking period, - 3 points

    • Once the marking period ends, any missing sketchbook assignment will become a zero


There must be a 1/2" - 3/4" approximate border on the paper. The title and due date should be in black Sharpie/ink at the top of the page in the border. The student’s signature (also in black ink/Sharpie) should be in the bottom right border corner. The sketchbook assignment should fill up the space inside the border. Draw as large as possible leaving little "blank space."

See assignments and examples below.


  • Sketchbook (Spiral-bound/sew-bound preferred) - 8.5" x 11" or 9" x 12" (if NOT using one provided) - the sketchbook will remain at home for weekly assignments

  • Pencils & Erasers (labeled with first & last name) - Dixon Ticonderoga Pencils & Pink Pearl Erasers are recommended

  • Personal Pencil Sharpener

  • Sharpies - 2+ Fine Point & 2+ Ultra Fine Point (labeled with first & last name)

  • Colored Pencils - 24+ pack is recommended (box labeled with first & last name)

  • Shoe box (not large boot size) & other recyclable materials (cardboard, small plastic items, string, etc.) - when needed

Please e-mail with any questions or concerns regarding required art supplies.


Google Classroom will be an integral part of this course. Announcements and assignments will be posted within Google Classroom. You will be sent a code or invite to join. Guardians may also join Google Classroom and receive weekly summaries about the class and their student.


Artwork will be on display throughout the year in the hallways at school, culminating with the district-wide art show in May. Each student will have least one work of art in the show. All projects will remain at school until the end of the year, when a portfolio assessment/reflection is completed.

Artwork is also periodically displayed on my Instagram @mrs.sheffer

Check out the virtual art shows of 2020 on my YouTube Channel!


Contact Mrs. Sheffer:

@mrs.sheffer on Instagram

Mrs. Sheffer's YouTube Channel

518-279-4600 x1404