Advanced Art is a continuum of Drawing and/or Painting; however the assigned projects will be more open-ended, giving you the opportunity to choose appropriate media to communicate your intended ideas. It focuses on the development of a personal style. Generating important/ meaningful/conceptual ideas will be required for each project. You are expected to be independent, insightful, and intelligent in your daily work.

Prerequisite: Drawing and/or Painting

Grade Level: 11-12 (1 Unit)



The goal throughout this year is for you to develop an emerging and increasingly well-defined personal style. In order for the student to make decisions about personal style, experimentation with a variety of genres is necessary. You are encouraged to explore: portraiture/human form, landscape, still-life, and abstract genres.

Each project is based on a given theme. There are six themes/projects you will complete in this course.

1st Quarter

Expectations for a Portfolio – The PROCESS

Developing Ideas – Brainstorming & Sketching

Researching – When? Where? Why? & How?

Practice Theme – Sketches and PowerPoint of Research

Theme 1: Nature/Environment

2nd Quarter

Theme 2: Memory/Text/Senses

Theme 3: Fantasy/Dreams/Nightmares

Mid-Year Assessment/Reflection

3rd Quarter

Theme 4: Wealth/Poverty/Social Class

Theme 5: Adaptation/Transformation

4th Quarter

Theme 6: Life & Death/Uncertainty

Art Show Preparation

End-Of-Year Assessment/Reflection & Clean-up


Approximately every two weeks there will be a class critique. The first critique will always be an “Idea Critique” after you have researched and sketched your ideas. All critiques will be in-progress critiques. Giving and receiving feedback is a crucial part of the art-making process. Being able to talk about others’ works helps you develop and practice your art vocabulary and learn to speak more critically and eloquently about art work in general – classmates’ work, famous paintings, photographs, etc. Being able to talk about your own work helps you define yourself as an artist, as well as an individual. The more you can define your style, your ideas, your interests, etc., the more you learn about yourself. Self-awareness, self-discipline, and self-knowledge are such an important part of your life. Allow critiques to help you get to know yourself! Your participation in the critiques will be a part of each project grade.


When handing in each project you will also be required to hand in all materials that contributed to your final project, including:

  • Brainstorming Ideas (lists, webs, etc.) completed in your SKETCHBOOK!

  • Thumbnail sketches (3+ ideas are required) completed in your SKETCHBOOK!

  • Research on artists, art movements, and other disciplines’ concepts in a Google Slides presentation (includes answering questions and images of artists’ work & discipline concepts

  • Reference images used (observational for drawing/painting/sculpting, etc.) - submitted at end of Research Slides

  • Exploration of media (practicing techniques)

  • Participation in critiques (2 per project)

  • Project Assessment –on Google Forms - series of questions, allows you to reflect on your work

These materials help to illustrate the process of your art making. Inclusion of the above materials and participation in class critiques will count for 66.4% of your project grade! The other 33.6% is your actual project. This should illustrate that the PROCESS (what you learn and do along the way) is more important than the PRODUCT you create!


  • 8.5” x 11” (or larger) spiral-bound or sew-bound Sketchbook

  • Pencils & Erasers

  • Media/materials not available in art room


Students will need to manage their time to complete the projects at school & at home as needed. Students will need to bring in their projects to school for feedback and to work on (they cannot leave it home and “do nothing” during class time). Students can borrow the materials they need to complete their projects. Students will need to be a part of Google Classroom and participate in scheduled critiques.

Respect My Time & Your Time

Although the structure of the class is different from most of your other classes, it should not be treated as free time. Do not make a habit of going to your locker, making phone calls, or running any other errands during my class. Please make time to take care of your business during study halls or between periods. If you are not using class time appropriately, points will be deducted from your project grades.

Respect the Equipment, Materials, and Workspace

Most of the projects you will do will require you to use the school’s materials. You are expected to treat the materials gently, safely, and with respect. This includes proper cleaning and storage. Please return DAILY commonly used items like pencils, scissors, rulers, etc. Use the areas assigned to you (drawers/cabinets) to keep materials and projects safe and out of the way. If you use the back work room during class or throughout the day please also treat this area with the same respect. Nothing will be left on the counter tops. No personal items should be left or stored in this area. If you cannot follow the rules of this space, you will not be allowed to work back there.

Respect the Balance

The best attitude to take in my class is that of mutual respect. This classroom gets messy very quickly! Please put all materials away neatly, wipe down your tables at the end of the period, and be sure you are not leaving a mess for the next class. There must always be give and take – balance between focus and fun. Too much gossiping, or “prom talk,” becomes a distraction to you, those you are talking to, and other people in the room. Your decisions can affect those around you, directly and indirectly. Be self-aware. Please do not put this balance of focus and fun in jeopardy!

Google Classroom

Google Classroom will be an integral part of this course. Announcements, assignments, as well instructional handouts will be posted within Google Classroom. You will be sent a code or invite to join. Guardians may also join Google Classroom and receive weekly summaries about the class and their student.


Artwork will be on display throughout the year in the hallways at school, culminating with the district-wide art show in May. Each student will have least one work of art in the show. All projects will remain at school until the end of the year, when a portfolio assessment/reflection is completed.

Artwork is also periodically displayed on my Instagram @mrs.sheffer

Check out the virtual art shows of 2020 on my YouTube Channel!

Contact Mrs. Sheffer:

@mrs.sheffer on Instagram

Mrs. Sheffer's YouTube Channel

518-279-4600 x1404