BRSU Shows
FBS Tiger Talk: https://anchor.fm/fbstigertalk
EdListen (Skyler's and Bjorn's Podcast): http://podcast.edlisten.com/
Public shows: Free Podcasting hosting service: https://anchor.fm/
Private shows: Use https://online-voice-recorder.com/ to record, and then host the mp3's in Google Drive.
Audio Editor: https://www.soundtrap.com/
Show notes template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PnpO4SZJ586tb_Oqc92xYrL3z7bdrS9oRdWsQbZRt7A/copy
Introduce To Students
As a class pick a show name. This will be the name you add to Anchor.fm
Break into groups, and have each group pick a name for them selves
Have each group make a copy of the show notes, and complete a show. Show notes should be set up as an outline, not a script.
Send students to a quite place. They can use the mic on the Chromebook to pick up the group talking together.
Have students log into Anchor.fm (class account set up by the teacher).
Have students record and edit their podcast using Anchor.fm's recording studio.
Do not allow them to publish until it is vetted by the teacher. Anchor.fm is public.
Have students record and edit using https://www.soundtrap.com/
Students then share the mp3 with their teacher.
That mp3 can either be uploaded to Anchor.fm for public listening, or uploaded to Google Drive and shared with only those who have viewing rights.
Earn A Badge
Be able to build show notes, record, edit, and post a podcast independently.