Expectations & Growth Mindset

In second grade we encourage maturity, responsibility and independence.

Class Expectations

Class Expectations

As students in room 7, we are expected to...

  1. Follow directions quickly

  2. Show respect & actively listen when someone is speaking

    • Body Still

    • Hands Still

    • Ears Listening

    • Eyes Watching

    • Lips Zipped

3. Raise your hand before sharing your thoughts or asking a question

4. Use the silent signals when asking to use the restroom or to get water

5. Respect myself, my classmates, my teachers, and my school.

Class Management Systems

  • Sandpiper STAR student cards are given out to recognize students when they are: safe, thoughtful, accountable, and respectful.

  • Class STAR Reward system: Each day the class starts with 5 stars on the board. Stars are erased based on negative class behavior. Positive class behavior can earn a star back on the board, up to the original 5. At the end each day, for each star remaining on the board a marble is added to the class marble jar. Once 50 marbles are earned, the class is rewarded with a Partner Reading Popcorn Party.

  • Class Volume (noise level) Chart: the chart is referred to often before independent work time to remind students of the expected noise level. Level 5, WooHoo, should NEVER be used indoors.

              1. Silent

              2. Whisper Voice- NO talking

              3. Small Voice (indoor quiet voice)

              4. Big Voice (teacher voice, presentation voice)

              5. WooHoo! (outdoor, shouting voice)

Growth Mindset

"If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning. That way, their children don’t have to be slaves of praise. They will have a lifelong way to build and repair their own confidence."

– Carol Dweck

Embrace Mistakes!

Here is a great article I've found from UC Berkeley which highlights the practices I use in the classroom with the students. Using a Growth Mindset in and out of the classroom is a strong developmental tool for all students to be accustomed to. We acknowledge mistakes in our class and then discuss and discover other approaches to reaching a goal.
