

Newsletters will be posted here and come home in the Friday Folder about once a month. Newsletters are a summary of what students have been learning in class. More frequent updates will be posted on ParentSquare, see below.


I will use ParentSquare for most classroom communication this year. You should have already seen a post from me with a 1st day update! I am excited our district has moved to this platform for communication. I will be able to post photos, classwide messages, individual messages, and conference sign-ups using ParentSquare. You can also reach me through my district email listed below. I will do my best to return messages within 24 hours. I do not check messages during the teaching day, so if something is urgent please call the school office.


email: (preferred)

phone: 650-631-5510 ext. 1507

Sandpiper Main Line: 650-631-5510