Leadership and Management Framework

The University's Leadership and Management Framework defines what we are looking for in our leaders and managers at Oxford Brookes alongside a developmental road map aligned to these organisational needs. 

The framework was co-created with staff from across the University and is backed up by recent research in effective leadership and management practice.

Leadership Qualities: 

Central to our Leadership and Management Framework is a set of leadership qualities that together aim to balance support with challenge. Ensuring that wellbeing is prioritised alongside the creation of an environment that is collaborative, innovative and enterprising so that together, we can realise the University’s strategic ambitions and potential:

Act with integrity, be empowering, be considerate, be credible, be enterprising

 In addition to the qualities themselves, there are a number of example behaviours that aim to help answer the question

 ‘how do I demonstrate this in practice?’

As a manager or supervisor, you also play a key role in strengthening the employee experience of the individuals who report to you, enabling the effectiveness of your team and contributing to the wider success of Oxford Brookes.   A significant part of this is about the leadership qualities you bring to how you lead in all these contexts (above), the rest is about some of the more practical things you do supported by the necessary knowledge and skills.   

Click on each of the headings below to find out more about each of the areas and the resources available to support you: