Critical and creative thinking

Critical and creative thinking skills can include the following skills and competencies: problem-solving, observation, reflection, analysis, pattern recognition, reasoning, evaluation, inference, interpretation, open-mindedness, imagination, flexibility, experimentation, etc.

General Assessment Formats which which typically involve critical and creative thinking skills include:

Written assignment (Individual/Group), Project work (Individual/Group), Portfolio (Individual/Group) and Oral assessment/presentation (Individual/Group).

See individual pages within the 'Assessment Formats' drop-down menu for more information.

Click on each section below for links to associated supporting materials.

Illustrative sample of assessments which typically involve critical and creative thinking skills:

Careers dossier

Typically involves: observation, reflection, reasoning, pattern recognition, evaluation.

Sample supporting materials from modules which use this assessment form:

HART6003 folder: Dossier Instructions and Assessment Criteria (from module handbook); Careers talk slides (created by Pete Smillie); Tips from module leader.

City dossier

Typically involves: observation, reflection, reasoning, evaluation, interpretation, imagination.

Sample supporting materials from modules which use this assessment form:

ENGL6003 folder: Instructions; Assessment criteria; Planning and writing the City Dossier slides; Examples of completed Dossiers; Module Leader’s tips.

Essay (analytical, discursive, comparative, critical, synoptic, etc.)

Typically involves: observation, analysis, evaluation, interpretation.

Sample supporting materials from modules which use this assessment form:

ANTH6005 folder: Coursework guide; Essay plan video guide; Tips on finding sources video.

Group poster presentation

Typically involves: experimentation, reflection, evaluation.

Sample supporting materials from modules which use this assessment form:

GEOG4002 folder: Instructions.

Group research project

Typically involves: flexibility, problem-solving, analysis, reasoning, interpretation, evaluation.

Sample supporting materials from modules which use this assessment form:

MDES4001 folder: Assignment brief; Marking criteria for group participant observation; Participant observation seminar handout; Optional project management document.


Typically involves: observation, reflection, evaluation.

Sample supporting materials from modules which use this assessment form:

ENGL4006 folder: Instructions; Completing the Log Book FAQs; Module logbook brief and tasks.


Typically involves: analysis, evaluation, observation, reasoning, reflection.

ECS5006 folder: Tasks and information; Assignment workshop slides; Assessment criteria; Task 3 scenarios; Tasks 2 and 3 FAQs.

Reflective / log / dossier / journal

Typically involves: observation, reflection, reasoning, pattern recognition, evaluation.

Sample supporting materials from modules which use this assessment form:

CMC5008 folder: Instructions; Reflective log media diary grid; Reflective analysis form; Reflective log guidance PowerPoint.

EDST5013 folder: Instructions and guidance slides; Marking criteria.

Self-reflective e-dossier / e-log / e-portfolio

Typically involves: observation, reflection, reasoning, pattern recognition, evaluation.

Sample supporting materials from modules which use this assessment form:

ENGL5010 folder: Instructions (Project and Placement Pathway; Assessment criteria (Project Pathway); Assessment criteria (Placement Pathway); Developing self reflective writing skills mini lecture and workshop slides; Developing self reflective writing skills homework task sheet; Writing a good CV mini lecture slides; Link to Entrecomp Framework (Project Pathway); Link to section of Careers' video on CV writing.