Introducing new forms of assessment

Guidance on effectively introducing new forms of assessment

A few key steps are critical in supporting students in engaging with unfamiliar forms of assessment:

  • "This is why we are doing this": Explain the value of the assessment format in terms of skills development (including rising to a new challenge), relevance to the module learning outcomes, and inclusivity.

  • "You've done things like this before": Draw out relationships to prior learning and assessment experiences.

  • "This is what you need to do": Provide a clear assignment brief, including any bespoke marking criteria.

  • "This is how to do it": Model the different stages of the process and provide examples of the final output.

  • "Look! You're doing it!": Give opportunities for practice and for formative feedback to build understanding and confidence.

The introduction of new assessment formats should be managed with programme-level oversight, with attention to progression and to relevance to module and programme learning outcomes and related desired skills development.

It is also helpful to co-ordinate assessments, as far as possible, across the modules that students are most likely to be taking concurrently, to ensure students don't face several unfamiliar assessment forms in close proximity.

This guidance was created in consultation with the Centre for Academic Development and was informed by the following resource:

McDowell, L. and Sambell, K. (1999). ‘The Experience of Innovative Assessment: Student Perspectives.’ In Assessment Matters in Higher Education: Choosing and Using Diverse Approaches, eds. S. Brown and A. Glasner (Buckingham: The Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press), pp.71-82.