Project work (Group)

Click on each section below for links to sample supporting materials.

Forms of assessment include:

Group performance / production

Skills typically involved include: communication, critical and creative thinking, organisation, planning and time management, teamwork, potentially leadership and management.

Sample supporting materials from modules which use this assessment form:

ENGL4007 folder: Instructions; Learning outcomes; Grade criteria; Folder of technical resources; Slide on effective team working tips for performances.

Group poetry anthology

Skills typically involved include: communication, critical and creative thinking, organisation, planning and time management, teamwork, potentially leadership and management.

ECS5001 folder: Instructions; Assignment guidance slides; Grading rubric; Marksheet; Peer feedback

Group poster presentation

Skills typically involved include: communication, critical and creative thinking, potentially leadership and management, research and information handling, teamwork.

Sample supporting materials from modules which use this assessment form:

GEOG4002 folder: Instructions.