Student Voices

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On this page, you will find:

  • student viewpoints;
  • research carried out by students;
  • links to relevant student-led campaigns in the UK.

Student-led Interviews


How small states have influenced human rights

PESE2 student researcher Jack Briggs interviews Dr Steven Jensen (The Danish Institute for Human Rights) about his work that examines how small states, such as Jamaica and the Philippines, have shaped modern-day human rights.

Click on the arrow to listen.

Small states and human rights


Click on the link below to find out about Jack's thoughts on the interview.


Student Voices Nationwide


Why is my curriculum white?

The 'Why is My Curriculum White?' campaign was started by students at University College London in 2014. This film (20 mins 10 secs) captures a range of student views on why the campaign is important.


Why is My Curriculum White?

In 2015, students at LSE shared their views on why the campaign is important (20 mins 35 mins) .