Publications and reports

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Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870)

Writer of Afro-Caribbean and French heritage whose acclaimed literary works include The Three Musketeers (serialised March - July 1844) and The Count of Monte Cristo (serialised from 1844 - 1845).

Source: "Alexandre Dumas père in Russian costume" by Gustave Le Gray used under the public domain.

Oxford Brookes University


Strategies of Belonging: Counterstories of Black Students at a Predominately White University

Author: Neil Currant.

Paper on educational attainment gap of minority ethnic students in higher education.

Key words: student engagement; belonging; critical race theory.

Other Higher Education Institutions


An attempt has been made to identify publications that specifically focus on BME/BAME diversity; however, some content in this section may also provide information that pertains to other subjects that come under the umbrella of diversity and inclusivity.


Aiming Higher: Race, Inequality and Diversity in the Academy

A range of papers that formed part of the seminar series Race and Higher Education (Runnymede, 2015)


Equality and Diversity in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Summary of papers from Equality Challenge Unit and Higher Education Academy (2016).


Improving the Degree Attainment of Black and Minority Ethnic Students

A commentary with ideas and examples on how to support BME students to achieve a better degree classification on graduation

(Higher Education Academy, 2011).


Equality and Diversity in the Curriculum: Exploring ethnic identity and appreciating cultural diversity in a group of nursing and social work students

A paper on engaging students in identifying with and sharing aspects of their ethnic identities with peers and seminar leaders. (Megson, 2007)


The Higher Education Funding Council for England

Publications, reports, data and statistics on research, teaching and knowledge exchange on a range of subjects, including differences in degree attainment.


The Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

A multidisciplinary journal started in March 2008 by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE).




Embedding Equality and Diversity into the Curriculum

Select bibliography compiled by the Higher Education Academy on discipline-specific diversity pedagogy, widening participation, inclusivity, unconscious bias, hidden curriculum and other related subjects.