Respectful Learning Environment

Code of Conduct

Punctuality and Respect:

We should all arrive on time and treat each other with respect.

Classroom Etiquette:

During live class time, we should avoid making loud noises, multitasking on unrelated interests, eating food, or causing any distractions. Teachers will schedule breaks, usually every 50 minutes, for restroom visits and snacks. If your student requires frequent breaks due to a medical condition, please inform the teacher before the term starts, and accommodations will be made.

Appropriate Attire:

While we can dress freely, our attire should be appropriate to maintain a safe and focused learning environment.

Technical Requirements:

Students must keep their cameras on and display their names clearly in the Zoom participant panel during class sessions. We recommend using headsets and muting microphones when there are distracting noises in the immediate environment.

Respecting Opinions and Active Listening:

We should respect differing opinions expressed during class, avoid interrupting others, and practice attentive and articulate communication in our interactions.

Active Participation:

Students should strive to work diligently, complete assignments, contribute to class discussions, participate equally in group projects, and foster a culture of respectful, active learning.

Privacy and Confidentiality:

We must protect personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, and home addresses by keeping them private during class.

BMS Honor Code

Every parent and student is required to sign the BMS Honor Code, which sets the mutual expectation of parent, student, but also of teacher and school as we all contribute to a respectful school environment.

A copy of this document will be sent to you to e-sign.

BMS Honor Code

Multi-Tiered System of Support

The Brilliant Microschool Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is designed to assist struggling students by offering three levels of support, with formative assessment learning data, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and Mastery serving as indicators. Tier 1 encompasses the customary classroom experience with corrective actions to avoid triggering higher tiers. Tiers 2 and 3 offer additional support and interventions based on specific triggering conditions related to formative assessment, SEL, and Mastery.

The Brilliant Microschool Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Camera Policy

To enhance student participation and connection, we have introduced a camera usage policy requiring students to activate their cameras during live sessions. This policy aims to ensure students are fully engaged and visible during classes. We understand the adjustment period might be challenging; hence, a two-week grace period has been provided to help students adapt, with teachers offering support and encouragement throughout. We also urge parents to support their children in adhering to this policy. 

Camera Policy (Parent Handbook)

Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements

Microschool policies

Brilliant Microschool Policies

Terms of Service

Brilliant Grades ToS [Jun 19, 2023]


Microschool Calendar 2023-2024.pdf