Identification of the Need for Intervener Services

For many districts, the first step is determining whether intervener services are appropriate for their students who have combined hearing and vision loss (deafblindness).    Many teams highly recommend using the "Are Intervener Services Appropriate for Your Student with Deaf-Blindness?: An IEP Discussion Guide" to help everyone on the team to understand the impact of deafblindness on the student's access across settings, with different people and during instruction.

Educational teams need to collaborate to ensure all team members are considering how combined hearing and vision loss is impacting the student's access.  The IEP Team Discussion Guide is provided in PDF, however, some schools prefer to use a Google Form since itinerant teachers of deaf/hard of hearing and blind/visually impaired as well as teachers of physical/health disabilities and related services providers might not be in the building to have consistent in-person discussions.  

Teams may use this link to the IEP Team Discussion Guide's Google Form: