Learning Outcomes


LO 1 - Student will learn how to conceive and invent relevant ideas for a story.

LO 2 - Student will learn how to develop those story ideas into complex structural systems with twists and character arcs.

LO 3 - Student will learn how to analyze, interrogate and refine their own work in a self-directed way.

LO 4 - Student will learn how to develop their stories through workshopping, peer critique and drafting.

LO 5 - Student will learn how to write compelling stories across formats and genres (eg. film vs. tv; comedy vs. thriller, etc.)

LO 6 - Student will learn how to write for diverse audiences, including directors, producers and actors.


SE 1 - Student will demonstrate cognitive flexibility when approaching novel situations, transitions, conflicts, and changes in routine.

SE 2 - Student can self-regulate to control thoughts, feelings, and actions, understanding behavioral expectations and meeting them to achieve objectives.

SE 3 - Student will become self-aware and self-advocate, understanding emotional and academic needs and can articulate them, engaging others when in need of support.

SE 4 - Student will be able to persevere, stay in the struggle and persist in the face of difficulty.

SE 5 - Student will demonstrate resilience, resolve and can “bounce back” from setbacks and failed attempts.

SE 6 - Student will become a good citizen of the classroom, show respect for others, their ideas, and space, and displays appropriate empathetic responses.


MO 1 - Demonstrate an ability to engage productively with others in individual and group conversation, debate and group work .

MO 2 - Demonstrate an ability to engage and follow through in all required and choice activities.

MO 3 - Demonstrate an ability to produce creative solutions to some of the intractable problems in human society.

MO 4 - Demonstrate an understanding of growth goals as outlined in the Blooms, Skills and 21st Century rubrics.

MO 5 - Work diligently with intention to further develop in all growth goals.

MO 6 - Demonstrate deep understanding of the enduring understandings and essential questions.

MO 7 - Formulate informed answers to our essential questions. Express them in writing, discussion and other/other symbol systems