Trust Policies & GDPR

This page contains statutory trust level policies and documents that academies are required to publish. All policies below are adopted by the academies within the trust. Should you require a copy of any of our policies, the trust's head office or the respective school office will be happy to assist. 

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) for The Brickfields Trust is Donna Rushton, Governance Professional to the Trust Board. Each school has a Data Protection Lead (DPL) who is supported by the DPO. DPL's for each school are as follows: Jennifer Burdett (Great Wakering), Kelly Sheern (Barling Magna), Matthew Poyton (Lawford Mead), Karen Riches (Kings Road).

School Policies 

Please select the below links to view school level policies that academies are required to publish.

Constitutional & Financial 

The Following documents detail the constitutional and funding arrangements of the Trust.