Board & Committees

Board of Trustees

On 1st February 2017 Great Wakering Primary School and Barling Magna Primary School joined the newly formed Brickfields Trust, the Trust later expanded to include Lawford Mead Primary & Nursery School and Kings Road Primary School when merging with HERA Academy Trust on 1st September 2023.  The Governance of the four schools is undertaken by a board of trustees. The board has three core functions:

1) Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

2) Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

3) Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Trustees 2023-24

The Trust Board for the 2023-24 academic year comprises:

Sarah Threadgold (Chair)    

Josh Giddens

Andrew Burrows (Chair of Finance Risk and Audit committee)                            

Niki Lamont

Dawn Baker                            

Rebecca Morris (Barling Magna Curriculum Chair)

Dan Hirsch (Great Wakering Curriculum Chair)

Andy Montague (Lawford Mead Curriculum Chair)

Tony Brown (Vice Chair)

Board Code of Conduct and Terms of Reference

The Board of Trustees holds regular meetings, with an AGM incorporated into the first meeting of the academic year. The Board's Terms of Reference are reviewed and agreed annually. Should you require a copy of any of our full Board of Trustees meeting minutes, the trust's head office will be happy to assist.

The Board subscribes to the National Governance Association (NGA) and has adopted its model Code of Conduct, with some agreed amendments to reflect the priorities and needs of the trust.

Board Code of Conduct 

Finance Risk and Audit Committee Terms of Reference

The Board operates a Finance, Risk & Audit Committee which meets three times during the academic year.

Finance, Risk & Audit Committee Terms of Reference 


Local Curriculum and Standards Committees

Each school operates a local Curriculum and Standards Committee chaired by a member of the Board of Trustees, each committee also includes parent, staff and local community members to oversee local curriculum and standards

Local Curriculum and Standards Committee Terms of Reference 

Great Wakering Committee Members Barling Magna Committee Members

Dan Hirsch - Chair Becky Morris - Chair

Vanessa Williams Hannah Rose

Samantha Hands Elliot Muncey

David Hotson Krystal Rose-Awan

Jenny White

Lawford Mead Committee Members Kings Road Committee Members

Andy Montague - Chair Nicola Nunn

Nicholas Emery Fiona Warrington

Laura Green Fiona Dias

Rachel Hyde Rob Long

Chris Jackson Emma Smith

Kirsty Pearce Dan Shipley

Andrew Williams

Laura Cope

Jane Kirby